Stewardship at St. Paul’s

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1-2

Maureen Carter: Why I love St. Paul’s

St. Paul’s is a welcoming, diverse,

inclusive community of faith.

We strive to promote Christian fellowship and

build a strong vibrant parish committed to

the personal growth of its members and

outreach to the community.

This Stewardship season, we invite you to Walk in Love using your time, God-given talents, and monetary treasure.

As a parish-centric community, we believe in our church's ability to grow, and we look to invest in that belief.

Online giving via Vanco and PayPal is here! Simply fill out this form…

…and make your pledge via PayPal or Vanco or in the collection basket on Sundays! To use PayPal, simply click the button below and indicate as the recipient of funds.

"For it is in giving that we receive..." ~St. Francis of Assisi

Christian Stewardship is more than just a campaign to raise funds for the maintenance and mission of the church. Stewardship is really a grateful response to all that God has given us, and involves our care for the planet, the church, our bodies and our lives.

Heavenly Father,

You have blessed us with so many gifts in Jesus Christ your Son, grant us your gracious Spirit that we may share these gifts with others and so become a blessing in your wounded world, for your love’s sake.
