Holy Baptism is the sacrament described in the Book of Common Prayer as "full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body the Church." Symbolically, baptism is associated with cleansing of sins and a fresh start in life as a Christian for the person baptized. It also serves as the entrance into a full Christian life within the community of faith. Since this rite involves becoming a part of the worshipping community, baptisms at St. Paul's are generally conducted during a Sunday worship service. Traditionally, four Sundays are set aside throughout the year -- the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord in January, Easter usually in March or April, Pentecost usually in May or June, and All Saints' Sunday in November -- but additional Sundays may be arranged to accommodate those being baptized.
If you'd like to learn more about baptism or wish to discuss scheduling, please contact the Parish Office at (973) 285-0884 or at office@stpaulsmp.org.
Confirmation provides a sacramental rite for for those who were baptized at an early age to make a mature, public affirmation of the responsibilities and commitments of Baptism in the presence of a bishop and to receive the laying on of hands. In the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, we have an opportunity for this once a year in Easter season when churches from throughout District 3 come together for a regional confirmation ceremony. For youth, confirmation generally involves a two-year preparation process starting during the 8th grade year and culminating in the spring of the teen's 9th grade year. Adults seeking confirmation may meet for a shorter series of formation classes in the months leading up to our general District 3 confirmation ceremony. At St. Paul's, we recognize the importance of confirmation and the mature commitment to follow Christ by all members.
To explore whether Confirmation, Reception into the Episcopal Church or the Renewal of Baptismal Vows might be right for you at this time in your journey of faith, contact Reverend Danielle at priest@stpaulsmp.org.
Christian marriage is a solemn and public covenant made in the presence of God and the community. In the Episcopal Church, it is required that at least one member of the parties must be a baptized Christian (which means that interfaith marriage is possible for us); that at least two witnesses be present; and that the marriage conform to the laws of the State of New Jersey and the canons of this Church. This parish is open to providing marriage ceremonies to anyone from the wider community who wishes to have a church wedding and are willing to abide by the guidelines set out in the attached document. St. Paul's offers same-sex couples recognition and access to all sacraments, including marriage.
Scheduling and preparing for a marriage ceremony at St. Paul's should ideally be done 8 months in advance of the intended date for the ceremony. If you'd like to explore having a marriage ceremony at St. Paul's, please download the attached document and review our guidelines and fee structure. Once you've had a chance to review the materials, you may contact Reverend Danielle, to set up an appointment at priest@stpaulsmp.org.
St. Paul's Memorial Garden, established in 1985, is the final resting place of more than 45 parishioners and members of the wider community. For additional information on burials in the Memorial Garden, please contact the Parish Office at (973) 285-0884 or at office@stpaulsmp.org.