A summary of the Diocesan Convention by Bob Sullivan, Delegate
The 150th Annual Diocesan Convention can be viewed on the YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/dionewark
St. Paul’s Mental Health Awareness Day
Loneliness Epidemic
Dr. Charles Park spoke about his experience in psychiatrics and the importance of belief in God supporting our mental wellbeing. Loneliness can be addressed when people come together for a common purpose like worship, and to help others through community outreach.
Childhood Anxiety
Dr. Yemisi Abiona spoke about childhood anxiety.
Participants heard about triggers for anxiety in families.
She spoke about tools and activities to engage and decrease anxiety in healthy ways.
Is religious faith good for your mental health?
Dr. Michael Cannella spoke of the role spirituality /religiosity has on mental wellbeing and positive physical health. He cited many interesting studies of positive physical health being associated with a person's participation in and connecting to others also engaged in spiritual/religious activities.