Holy Baptism is the sacrament described in the Book of Common Prayer as "full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body the Church." Symbolically, baptism is associated with cleansing of sins and a fresh start in life as a Christian for the person baptized. It also serves as the entrance into a full Christian life within the community of faith. Since this rite involves becoming a part of the worshipping community, baptisms at St. Paul's are generally conducted during a Sunday worship service. Traditionally, four Sundays are set aside throughout the year -- the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord in January, Easter usually in March or April, Pentecost usually in May or June, and All Saints' Sunday in November -- but additional Sundays may be arranged to accommodate those being baptized.
If you'd like to learn more about baptism or wish to discuss scheduling a baptism, please contact the Parish Office at (973) 285-0884 or by e-mail at